6 research outputs found


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    DanuHermawan, 2010. SISTEMUJIANONLINEBERBASISWEBSEBAGAI APLIKASIDATABASEMANAGEMENTSYSTEM(DBMS). FakultasMatematika danIlmuPengetahuanAlam,UniversitasSebelasMaret. Sistemujianonline merupakanbagiandari sisteminformasi pendidikanjarak jauh melalui media teknologi elektronik internet atau e-learning. Media teknologi informasi sangat erat kaitannyadengansistembasis datasebagai mediamasukandan penyimpanandata yangsesuai dengankebutuhanpara penggunanya. Sebagai aplikasi teknologi informasi, sistemujianonlineberbasiswebmerupakanperangkat lunakyang menerapkandatabasemanagement system(DBMS) dalammenangani perintah-perintah danpermintaan penggunasistemterhadapbasisdata. Dalamperencanaansistemujian onlinedigunakananalisis terstruktur yangterdiri dari tigakomponenyaitu, dataflow diagram(DFD), kamusdatadanspesifikasi proses. Basisdatasistemujianonlinedibuat berdasarkanpadatahapananalisissistemsampaidengannormalisasibasisdata.Informasi dataujianonlinediperolehdariprosespelaksanaanujiansecarakonvensional. Untukpengembanganperangkat lunakdiperlukanpengetahuantentanganalisis algoritma. Analisis algoritmaadalahuntukmenentukankompleksitas waktualgoritma. Kompleksitas waktudisimbolkandalamfungsi T(n) yangdiukur dari jumlahtahapan komputasi yangdibutuhkanuntukmenjalankanalgoritma sebagai fungsi dari ukuran input data n. Notasi O(dibaca Big O) merupakan notasi dari fungsi pertumbuhan kompleksitaswaktu. Kompleksitas waktu T(n) proses randomisasi soal dihitungberdasarkan pada operasi dari jumlahndatasoal denganfungsi script phpyaitusrand. Padapengiriman pilihanjawaban ujian, kompleksitas waktu T(n) dihitungdari jumlah n data pilihan jawabanyangdikirimolehpesertaujianonlinedenganoperasi aritmatikapenilaianujian adalahnilai=(100*bobot_benar/total_bobot)


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    The purpose of this research are to know:(1) The organizationalcondition of club supporter Pasoepati in Surakarta city. (2) The management condition of club supporter Pasoepati in Surakarta city. (3) The financial condition of club supporter Pasoepati in Surakarta city. (4) The club support condition of club supporter Pasoepati in Surakarta city. The research is based on the descriptive quantitative method by using technical survey. The source data are derived from: board of supporter Pasoepati and other related instances such as: Local Government of Surakarta and Solo Persisclub. The data are collected by using techniques dialogue, documentary and forms. The data are analyzed descriptively based on quantitative analyze through frequency and percentage. As a result, the research is simplified as: (1) The organizational condition of club supporter Pasoepati is good at point 56.11%percentage. (2) The management condition of club supporter Pasoepati is goodat point56.45% percentage. (3) The financial condition of club supporter Pasoepati is goodat point 63.07%percentage. (4) The club support condition of club supporter Pasoepati in Solo city is goodat point 66.22% percentage

    Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Digital Matematika Berbasis STEM dengan Edmodo

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Digital Matematika Berbasis STEM menggunakan Edmodo. Produk pengembangan dikembangkan dengan model ADDIE dan diimplementasikan di PKBM Homeschooling Kak Seto (HSKS) Surabaya. Subjek penelitian adalah 12 peserta didik dalam uji kelompok kecil dan 22 peserta didik dalam uji lapangan. Hasil uji validasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli media dan desain memenuhi kriteria layak dengan persentase 90% dan 88%. Hasil uji kelompok kecil dan uji lapangan memperoleh persentasi 88.44% dan 83.88%. Dan hasil penerapan produk pengembangan di PKBM Homeschooling Kak Seto (HSKS) Surabaya memperoleh rata-rata 70.45. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk pengembangan ini memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran era pendidikan abad 21

    Design of a Semi-Submersible Tourism Ship for Bunaken Underwater Recreation in Manado, Indonesia

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    With a rapid increase in various number of marine tourism destinations, especially in The Bunaken National Park with the amount of tourists that has increased throughout the year rising by 23% for domestic tourists and 12% for international tourists between 2002 and 2018. Unfortunately, to enjoy the underwater scenery of The Bunaken National Park can access by diving and snorkeling which is not all tourist can do that. Furthermore, in order to support the marine tourism industry in Indonesia, a semi-submersible tourism ship was developed with a glass at the hull's bottom based on the standard spiral design and the safety standard established by the rules so the tourists can easily enjoy the underwater ecosystem. The concept design of bottom-glass ship with trimaran hull type is offered as a problem-solving in this paper. The final design of the main dimensions are length of overall (LOA): 23,1 meters, width (B): 8 meters, Draft (T): 2.22 meters but the maximum submerged up to 2,5 meters, speed of 10 knots, and passenger capacity of 44 persons

    Simultaneous solvent extraction and transesterification of jatropha oil for biodiesel production, and potential application of the obtained cakes for binderless particleboard

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    This study investigated biodiesel production from jatropha seeds in a single step, i.e. by simultaneous solvent extraction and transesterification of jatropha oil, and possibility to transform the obtained cakes into binderless particleboards. n-Hexane was used as extracting solvent. The best operating conditions were identified to obtain optimal biodiesel yield and quality, and optimal physical and mechanical properties for binderless particleboards. Biodiesel yield was usually influenced by operating conditions, and the influences of both n-hexane to seed and methanol to oil ratios were most significant. An increase in n-hexane to seed ratio (from 1:1 to 3:1) combined with the decrease in methanol to oil ratio (from 13.3:1 to 8.0:1) led to an improvement in biodiesel yield. The best biodiesel yield (92% with a fatty acid methyl ester purity >98%) was obtained from 2:1 n-hexane to seed ratio, 10.6:1 methanol to oil ratio, 200–600 rpm stirring speed, 50 °C temperature and 6 h reaction time. Operating conditions had no significant effect on the biodiesel quality, except the n-hexane to seed ratio. Moreover, cohesive particleboards were produced from the obtained cakes, proteins and fibers acting respectively as binder and reinforcing fillers. An increase in the cake moisture content significantly improved the particleboard properties. The most promising binderless particleboard was manufactured from cake B under 20% cake moisture content and 160 °C pressing temperature. Its properties were 0.87 g/cm3 density, 8.4% moisture content, 7.2 MPa modulus of rupture, 10.4 GPa modulus of elasticity, 0.14 MPa internal bonding strength, 52% water absorption and 20% thickness swelling after 24 h immersion in water